

When I get up on weekday mornings, Sebastian stays on his bed until I tell him it is time to go outside for his morning walk.

Monster commences acting like a snotty little kid. He starts to sneak out of his bed, one body part at a time, and slowly makes his way toward the bathroom, slinking on the floor. Note the devious look on his face, and the paw scooting further and further off the bed.

If he makes it far enough, he will lay down near the bathroom door and start scooting closer, inch by inch. If I see him, I don't even have to say the command "bed." He immediately gets up and runs back and then sits and glares at me. We play this game every single morning. I'm not sure why, but I think it might be one of the highlight of his day.

1 comment:

Stinkydog said...

I will trade you:

1 Hudson making Wookie noise until you wake up.

1 Fergus peeing on any jacket draped over chairs that any of your friends might have been ignorant enough to leave overnight.

1 Micah finding whatever animal carcass there might be in the back yard that morning and bringing it in to you for "breakfast"

1 Ruthie sticking her entire snout down your ear canal


1 Bess trying very very hard to cram her entire 42lb frame into the nook between your neck and arm.

probably shared too much there, didn't I.