
Garage sale

Our neighborhood garage sale was last Saturday. Of course we didn't remember until we happened to venture outdoors and noticed that four of our neighbors were out on their driveways with all of their stuff, and there were cars parked at every available curb. So we weren't early enough to get any of the really good stuff.

We did got a jogging stroller that looks a lot like this one for $15, and a big bag of baby clothes for another $15. It has both boy and girl clothes, but I figure that kid won't know the difference. Anyway, I am unlikely to put anything frilly on a girl, and I love with anything that has frogs or bugs on it, so I think it's already determined how the kid is going to dress.

We came close to buying a very nice crib that looked like this, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. As much as we want this baby, having a real live actual crib in our bedroom would just freak me out right now.

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