
Rufus update

So the big news is that I felt the baby move on Monday. It happened in the morning while I was laying in bed not wanting to get up. I was laying on my back - exactly how you're not supposed to lay when you're pregnant - and I felt a little *thump-thump-thump-(pause)-thump-thump*. It was scary and exciting. I had a little bit of an Alien moment - it's a bit creepy to have something that is not you, moving of its own volition, inside your belly. It's also a little funny - I think he was angry that I was laying on my back because he quit kicking as soon as I turned over. When I turned back over onto my back, he did it again. It's kind of like your downstairs neighbors banging on the ceiling with a broom when you play your music too loud.

I have also given up on wearing my normal clothes. I am wearing maternity pants and maternity tops, which, B has kindly informed me, make me look like I'm about three feet tall. He quickly followed up with "but it's cute!" Uh huh.

Monday is ultrasound day, so I will quit talking about baby stuff until then.


Annie in Austin said...

Thank you for sharing, Steph - you look adorable and your post brings back memories - mostly sweet, but there were some of those 'alien' moments, too. [What a perfect phrase.]

It can be weird to be reading a newspaper, then have the bottom half of the page start fluttering around!

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

crystal said...


I went looking... and you haven't registered for baby stuff anywhere. How can you get presents you want if you don't register?

Steph said...

Annie - as weird as it feels sometimes, I look forward to those kicks and every single one thrills me! This is so much fun!

Crystal - :D I probably should register, but doing so is kind of scary. Every time I look at the baby stuff at Target, I get all freaked out because I have no clue what I need or how to take care of a baby! I need to get one of my friends with kids to go with me and explain how to use all that stuff!