
We don't need no stinkin' badges

Last night we watched the The Treasure of The Sierra Madre. I'm generally not a big fan of old westerns, having been overexposed as a child, but this one is definitely worth seeing. Humphrey Bogart plays Dobbs, an American bum in Mexico who joins with another expat and an old prospector to go looking for gold. The story is less about the search than a character study of Dobbs as he descends into paranoia and madness. It was a little disconcerting to see Humphrey Bogart playing a role unlike the others I have seen him in. I identify him with Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, and The Big Sleep - does anyone know if he did any other westerns? In any case, I thought that Tim Holt, the B-movie actor who plays the other bum Curtin, stole the show portraying a basically decent and honest man who is struggling to retain his humanity and his principles. The ending wasn't very surprising, but it was satisfying, and that's good enough for me.

Bonus review: I also recently watched Tous Les Matins du Monde and thought it was mostly awful and cliched. It's only redeeming feature was that it had Gérard Depardieu. And everyone knows that Americans only like French movies if they have Gérard Depardieu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Curse you! You just caused my Netflix queue to get even more daunting!

Based on reviews and descriptions, I've always thought of Treasure of the Sierra Madre as more of a crime/psychological drama than a western. But you're seen it and I haven't.

Since you ask, IMDB's filmography indicates that Bogart was in at least two other western-themed movies, The Oklahoma Kid with James Cagney, and Virginia City, with Errol Flynn. I haven't seen either one.

They aren't the ones added to the Netflix queue, by the way. That dubious honor goes to Treasure... and to The Desperate Hours.
