
Baby update

The baby is now about 14 inches long and weighs around two pounds. If he was born right now, he would have about a 75% chance of surviving with no major defects. His eyes are open, and he is blinking and practicing breathing movements. B is able to hear his heartbeat just by putting his ear against my belly.

I had a prenatal appointment this morning. Starting today, I go in every two weeks because I am in my third trimester (how the hell did that happen?)! Because I couldn't find paperwork proving B's blood was Rh-, I had to get a shot in my butt to keep my immune system from attacking the baby. It put me into a little bit of a bad mood, which wasn't helped when I was late to work and had to park down the street and walk to my building in the pouring rain with my sore butt. I found an umbrella under my front seat, but the wind blew it inside out. I would have enjoyed the movie moment, except I was more worried about my iPod and my laptop getting wet.

The only other significant happening was my official weigh-in. I have gained seven pounds since my last visit a month ago. The doctor reassured me that the baby has had quite the growth spurt over the last four weeks, but I'm still a little freaked out. Maybe I should quit drinking a quart or more a day of milk? But I don't know if I'm prepared to take that kind of drastic measure - lately, drinking only a quart a day is an act of willpower. Maybe I need the calcium? In any case, this will help my resolve to hit the gym more often.

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