
Update on my shame - Bugman was wrong!

Ok, here is Bugman's followup email from this morning. I feel much less guilty now.

Hi Stephanie,
These are not Aphids, but Hemipterans. We originally thought they might be Assassin Bug Hatchlings and if that was the case, they are beneficial insects not to be destroyed. We sought Eric Eaton's input and he wrote
back: "I'm pretty sure that this is actually some kind of leaf-footed bug in the family Coreidae, but I can't tell from such tiny hatchlings.
Assassin bugs don't lay eggs in a line, as far as I know. Not sure where the image was shot, but I know that there are some great resources on coreids from Florida educational websites. Eric" If Eric is correct, and we suspect he is, then these are plant feeders and you probably made the right move eliminating them from the tree.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Could you host an Insect Death Match between the Assassin Bugs and the Rabid Wolf Spiders?