

1. This is the kick-ass ant farm that I bought B for Christmas. It's been really neat to watch the ants alternate between furious digging and piling up in the corners for group naps, but I've become more and more disturbed by their captivity. They seem to be desperately trying to dig their way out of the box. Unfortunately, B is opposing their liberation in the front yard.

2. This is an onion that I forgot to cook. It started growing shoots, and I thought it was neat so I let it keep going. No matter which way you turn it, the shoots curl toward the sky within a few hours. Pretty soon, I'm going to plant it and see what happens.

3. This is the first sign of spring in my yard. It is the escarpment black cherry tree outside my kitchen window. The tiny purple cherries are not edible for humans, but birds love them. I am itching to get outside in the beautiful, warm, sunny weather and start working on a real garden, but I am waiting for my design sketch, and also waiting to feel like a human being again, rather than a self contained snot-producing factory. Every day, I drive past Barton Springs Nursery down the street and peer enviously at the crowds inside. I can't help but notice the packets of organic basil and chamomile seeds sitting on the kitchen table. Even the weeds in my front beds are starting to poke their heads up and make me think of sitting outside in the cool breeze peacefully pulling weeds and playing with earthworms. *sigh* Why can't I get sick in the winter?


Felix said...

Silly S. This is winter in most of the northern hemisphere.

Steph said...

I can't help it that so many people have chosen to live in godforsaken lands full of snow and ice when there's plenty of room for everyone down south.
