
Stick a fork in me

cause I'm done!

I'm now considered 'term' which means the baby is done, even though my official due date isn't for a few more weeks. My belly has started dropping and I've been a wee bit dilated for a couple of weeks, so it could be anytime now. The inexactness of it all is one of the things that bothers me most. I'm a little bit anal retentive (No...an anal retentive accountant? Who would have guessed?) so I'm not comfortable with not being able to plan out how this whole thing will work.

Anyway, my birthday was yesterday (25! How did that happen?!) and I got lots of cards and good wishes and emails and BEAUTIFUL flowers, along with a gift certificate for another prenatal massage and some books and tea, which are all on my list of favorite things. My birthday always leaves me feeling very loved and blessed. I'm so lucky!

1 comment:

Stinkydog said...

Happy Birthday!

And to the belly: hurry up kiddo.