
Breaking news

I just read the people in the UK do not rinse the soap off of their dishes after washing them. They just let the soap dry right on.

I have not been able to verify this fact independently. I asked someone I know currently living in the UK, and someone else who has lived there in the past, but both are/were expats, not actual British people, so they were not familiar with this custom. Does anyone know anything about this? Google provided tantalizing hints, but no definitive information.

I don't know why I am so fascinated by this.

1 comment:

Kales said...

I had this discussion not too long ago with a friend of mine. In Australia, most people I know do not rinse, including myself... it builds up your immune system (??!)... However I know several ppl who are religious about rinsing and are disgusted in the fact that I don't... So there ya go...