

Art Garfunkel's website has a listing of every book he has read since 1968. I'm not entirely sure what to think of it. A lot of the books he lists are good ones, but his favorites list comes across as very pretentious.

I don't believe anyone who would list both Bronte novels and Austen novels as favorites. Nor do I believe anyone who says they actually enjoyed James Joyce's Ulysses.

Also, I suspect he has left books off his list. I also keep a journal of books I have read - my list is also full of Literature (with a capital L), but is liberally interspersed with trashy novels, little known fiction from the bargain bin, and random low brow non-fiction. Those categories are suspiciously missing from Mr. Garfunkel's list. Although I guess if I were to publish my list online for the world to see, I guess I might clean it up a little also.

As to why I've been browsing Art Garfunkel's web page, um, I'm not really sure.

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