

It is recommended that you gain between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. I gained, um, more than 25 to 35 pounds. But really, no matter how good your intentions are, pregnancy sucks and you need french fries to get you through. I've been half-heartedly trying to lose weight ever since Saul was born but it's hard. And I've got a baby to take care of. And I work with a bunch of foodies who do crazy things like bringing homemade donuts to work every day

(mmmmm, donuts...)

Anyway, I bought a new pedometer so that I get my 10,000 steps every day. Hopefully it will work better than last time, when I would just shake the stupid thing at the end of the day until the number was sufficiently inflated. I keep telling myself that I will park down the street instead of in the parking garage, but so far it only happens when I'm late and can't find a spot.

My ultimate goal is to lose 35 pounds, which will put me at about 15 pounds below where I was when I got pregnant. I thought maybe if I posted this out in public for the whole world to see, it would keep me accountable.

So if you really like me, send me an email every couple of weeks with the subject line "are you still a fat ass?"

And I'll probably reply with "Yes. Screw you."

1 comment:

crystal said...

Good luck!