

I have three potted roses - a Marie Pavie, a Madame Joseph Schwartz, and a Dame de Coeur (my favorite). In the last two weeks, all three have been busting out with new foliage and buds.

They have also been busting out with aphids, so last night I released ladybugs for the first time.

We dumped 1,750 bugs all over the base of the three plants at dusk last night and then left them to their aphid feast. When I went to check on them this morning, it looked like most of the ladybugs were still there. Unfortunately, so were most of the aphids. There were several different ladybug conventions going on, however, with much kinky bug sex. I suppose it's important for them to make more bugs to eat my aphids, but I wish they would be a little more industrious. If they are, then I should have roses within a week or two. Wish me luck!

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