
Rufus update

Rufus is our code name for the baby. Don't worry, it's not on the list of possible real names.

The genetic counselor from the perinatal place called me today with the results of the screening I had last week. Before the screening, the risk of Downs Syndrome was 1 in 770 based on my age. The screening puts my new risk at 1 in 3,000. The previous risk of Trisomy 18 was 1 in 2,700 and is now 1 in 10,000. So far so good! I can't help but imagine all the other thousands of things that could go wrong, but I'm trying to be positive. I know it's normal to be paranoid after what happened, but if I let myself think about it too much, I'll go crazy. The worst part is going to be in another month or two, the age when the previous baby died. I'm considering asking my doctor if I can visit a couple times a week just to listen to the baby's heart.

In other news that I probably shouldn't be sharing on my blog, my pants aren't buttoned! Today was the first day that I just could not get them closed. So I have a rubber band and a long shirt. Because I'm just not ready for maternity clothes yet.

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